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  1. Program or Logo
    National Youth Leadership Training
  2. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Wolf Rank
  3. Program or Logo
  4. Program or Logo
    Order of the Arrow
  5. Program or Logo
    International Scouters
  6. Program or Logo
    Venturing Scout
  7. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Lion Rank
  8. Program or Logo
    Universal Emblem
  9. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Bear Rank
  10. Program or Logo
    Boy Scout
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  1. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Archery - Lion
    SKU: 660223
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  2. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Cubs Who Care
    SKU: 619941
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  3. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Go Fish
    SKU: 660187
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  4. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Bears Afloat
    SKU: 660255
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  5. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Race Time - Wolf
    SKU: 660245
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  6. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Chef Tech
    SKU: 660258
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  7. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Gizmos and Gadgets
    SKU: 646392
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  8. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Everyday Tech
    SKU: 660219
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  9. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot - Lion
    SKU: 660224
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  10. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Race Time - Lion
    SKU: 660218
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  11. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Do it Myself
    SKU: 646384
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  12. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Bear
    SKU: 660260
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  13. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Ready Set Grow
    SKU: 646401
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  14. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - On Your Mark
    SKU: 646393
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  15. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Computing Wolves
    SKU: 660246
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  16. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Time Swim
    SKU: 660189
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  17. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Lion
    SKU: 660222
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  18. Cub Scout Wolf Rank Parent Pin
    SKU: 648442
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  19. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Count on Me
    SKU: 660220
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  20. Cub Scout Bear Rank Parent Pin
    SKU: 648902
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  21. Service Star Backing - Venturing
    SKU: 65
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  22. Cub Scout Bear Rank Emblem
    SKU: 646375
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  23. Cub Scout Wolf Rank Emblem
    SKU: 371
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  24. Cub Scout Lion Rank Emblem
    SKU: 660298
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  25. Venture Scout Discovery Rank Emblem
    SKU: 620502
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  26. Venturing Rank Emblem
    SKU: 620501
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  27. Venture Scout Pathfinder Rank Emblem
    SKU: 620503
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  28. Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Knot
    SKU: 5528
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  29. Venture Scout Summit Rank Emblem
    SKU: 620504
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  30. Venturing Pin
    SKU: 4101
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  31. International Scouter Award Knot
    SKU: 618969
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  32. Venturing World Conservation Emblem
    SKU: 152
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  33. Venturing Leadership Award Knot
    SKU: 14220
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  34. Order of the Arrow Troop Advisor Emblem
    SKU: 617948
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  35. Venturing Leader Device
    SKU: 940
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  36. National Youth Leadership Training Strip
    SKU: 622630
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  37. Venturing Advisor Merit Emblem
    SKU: 610095
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  38. Stacked exploring logo pin
    SKU: 639674
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  39. Astronomy Merit Badge
    SKU: 659250
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  40. Space Exploration Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659943
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  41. Geocaching Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659937
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  42. Welding Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659940
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  43. Basketry Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659973
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  44. Orienteering Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659933
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  45. Inventing Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659936
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  46. Pets Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659837
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  47. Scholarship Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659941
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  48. Cycling Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 659842
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