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  1. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Arrow of Light Rank
  2. Program or Logo
    Boy Scout
  3. Program or Logo
    Venturing Scout
  4. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Tiger Rank
  5. Program or Logo
    Scouting America
  6. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Lion Rank
  7. Program or Logo
    Sea Scout
  8. Program or Logo
    Order of the Arrow
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  1. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Let's Camp - Tiger
    SKU: 660232
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  2. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Archery - Tiger
    SKU: 660236
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  3. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - BB - Tiger
    SKU: 660235
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  4. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot - Tiger
    SKU: 660237
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  5. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tiger-iffic!
    SKU: 619924
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  6. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tiger Tag
    SKU: 619929
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  7. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Let's Camp - Lion
    SKU: 660221
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  8. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Floats and Boats
    SKU: 619928
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  9. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Sky is the Limit
    SKU: 619926
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  10. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Curiosity, Intrigue and Magical Mysteries
    SKU: 619921
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  11. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Archery - Lion
    SKU: 660223
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  12. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Go Fish
    SKU: 660187
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  13. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Tiger
    SKU: 660233
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  14. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Designed by Tiger
    SKU: 660229
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  15. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Gizmos and Gadgets
    SKU: 646392
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  16. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot - Lion
    SKU: 660224
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  17. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Stories in Shapes
    SKU: 619927
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  18. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Race Time - Lion
    SKU: 660218
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  19. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tiger: Safe and Smart
    SKU: 619919
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  20. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Ready Set Grow
    SKU: 646401
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  21. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - On Your Mark
    SKU: 646393
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  22. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Time Swim
    SKU: 660189
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  23. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Lion
    SKU: 660222
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