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  1. Community Organization Award Knot
    SKU: 613864
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  2. Prepared. For Life. Emblem
    SKU: 614194
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  3. Interpreter Strip - Native American
    SKU: 617558
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  4. Hawk Patrol Emblem
    SKU: 618732
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  5. National Youth Leadership Training Strip
    SKU: 622630
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  6. Scouts BSA First Class Rank Pin
    SKU: 656185
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  7. Overland Trails Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 615009
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  8. Santa Fe Trail Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 621920
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  9. Venturing Advisor Merit Emblem
    SKU: 610095
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  10. LEE Law Enforcement Training Bronze Pin
    SKU: 612919
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  11. LEE Training Silver Award
    SKU: 612918
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  12. Drafting Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 10530
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  13. Bugling Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 10518
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  14. Surveying Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 10597
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  15. Public Health Merit Badge Emblem
    SKU: 10576
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  16. Scouts BSA Kayaking Emblem
    SKU: 246
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  17. Scouts BSA Scuba Emblem
    SKU: 247
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  18. Scouts BSA Lifeguard Emblem
    SKU: 132
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  19. Scouts BSA Librarian Emblem
    SKU: 432
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  20. Crime Prevention Award Emblem
    SKU: 4189
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  21. South Plains Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 16694
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  22. Jersey Shore Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 612902
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  23. West Tennessee Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 613553
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  24. Badge Magic labels
    SKU: 616961
    Special Price $3.99 (Was $4.99)
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  25. Great Salt Lake Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 618108
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  26. Rio Grande Council Shoulder Patch
    SKU: 618679
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