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  1. Program or Logo
    Silver Buffalo
  2. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Wolf Rank
  3. Program or Logo
    Silver Antelope
  4. Program or Logo
    Venturing Scout
  5. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Bear Rank
  6. Program or Logo
    Scouts BSA
  7. Program or Logo
    Order of the Arrow
  8. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Tiger Rank
  9. Program or Logo
    Sea Scout
  10. Program or Logo
    Cub Scout Lion Rank
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  1. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Summertime Fun - Bear
    SKU: 660261
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  2. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Whittling
    SKU: 660435
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  3. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Paws for Water
    SKU: 660241
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  4. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot - Wolf
    SKU: 660251
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  5. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Summertime Fun - Tiger
    SKU: 660234
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  6. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Archery - Tiger
    SKU: 660236
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  7. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot
    SKU: 660264
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  8. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - BB - Tiger
    SKU: 660235
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  9. BSA Recruiter Strip
    SKU: 219
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  10. Cub Scout Wolf Core Adventure Loop - Council Fire: Duty to Country
    SKU: 619933
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  11. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Adventures in Coins
    SKU: 619948
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  12. Cub Scout Lion Core Adventure Loop - King of the Jungle
    SKU: 646407
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  13. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Finding Your Way
    SKU: 619943
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  14. Cub Scout Wolf Core Adventure Loop - Footsteps of Faith: Duty to God
    SKU: 619937
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  15. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tigers in the Water
    SKU: 660228
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  16. Cub Scout Tiger Core Adventure Loop - Tiger Circles: Duty to God
    SKU: 619918
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  17. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Pedal with the Pack
    SKU: 660244
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  18. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Code of the Wolf
    SKU: 619939
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  19. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Slingshot - Tiger
    SKU: 660237
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  20. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Bears on Bikes
    SKU: 660256
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  21. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Baloo the Builder
    SKU: 661069
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  22. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Germs Alive!
    SKU: 619945
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  23. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Fish On!
    SKU: 660227
    You need to choose options for your item.
  24. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tiger-iffic!
    SKU: 619924
    You need to choose options for your item.
  25. Cub Scout Lion Core Adventure Loop - Lion's Roar
    SKU: 660405
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  26. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Let's Camp - Lion
    SKU: 660221
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  27. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Balancing Bears
    SKU: 660259
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  28. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Build it Up, Knock It Down
    SKU: 646402
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  29. National Outdoor Achievement Awards - Camping Segment
    SKU: 610684
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  30. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Rolling Tigers
    SKU: 619920
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  31. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Paws of Skill
    SKU: 619949
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  32. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Race Time - Bear
    SKU: 660257
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  33. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Floats and Boats
    SKU: 619928
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  34. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Tiger Tag
    SKU: 619929
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  35. Cub Scout Lion Core Adventure Loop - Lion's Pride
    SKU: 660186
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  36. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Spirit of the Water
    SKU: 619946
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  37. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Cubs Who Care
    SKU: 619941
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  38. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Sky is the Limit
    SKU: 619926
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  39. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Digging in the Past
    SKU: 619942
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  40. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - On a Roll
    SKU: 660190
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  41. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Pick My Path
    SKU: 646386
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  42. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Wolf
    SKU: 660247
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  43. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Archery - Lion
    SKU: 660223
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  44. Cub Scout Lion Elective Adventure Loop - Go Fish
    SKU: 660187
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  45. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Good Knights
    SKU: 619923
    You need to choose options for your item.
  46. Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Champions for Nature - Tiger
    SKU: 660233
    You need to choose options for your item.
  47. Cub Scout Bear Elective Adventure Loop - Bears Afloat
    SKU: 660255
    You need to choose options for your item.
  48. Cub Scout Wolf Elective Adventure Loop - Race Time - Wolf
    SKU: 660245
    You need to choose options for your item.
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