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    Cub Scout Bear Rank
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    International Scouters
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    Scout Rank
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    Journey to Excellence
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    Cub Scout Wolf Rank
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    Silver Antelope
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  1. Scouts BSA First Class Scout Rank Parent Pin
    SKU: 121
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  2. Scouts BSA Scout Rank Pin
    SKU: 414
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  3. Silver Antelope Award Knot
    SKU: 5005
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  4. Scouts BSA Life Scout Rank Parent Pin
    SKU: 123
    $2.99 (was $3.69)
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  5. Scouts BSA Star Scout Rank Pin
    SKU: 647109
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  6. International Scouter Award Knot
    SKU: 618969
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  7. Journey To Excellence Silver Pin
    SKU: 615849
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  8. Journey To Excellence Bronze Pin
    SKU: 615850
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  9. Stacked exploring logo pin
    SKU: 639674
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  10. International Rep Emblem
    SKU: 141
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  11. Explorer Executive Emblem
    SKU: 291
    $4.19 (was $4.39)
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  12. Law Enforcement Exploring Pin
    SKU: 4113
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  13. Silver Antelope Pin
    SKU: 34
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  14. Silver Antelope Pin
    SKU: 614187
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